Hendon Labour Party Labour for a Brighter Barnet
Women’s Forum
Welcome to the Hendon Women’s Forum!
We’re a formal branch of the Party and if you’re female and belong to the Labour Party, you’re automatically a member!
Why have a Women’s Forum?
Women’s inclusion and participation in political life is as important as ever. We still have too few women MPs, women still face huge discrimination in society and the interaction between different factors like gender, race, class, sexuality, disability still often goes ignored.
The Women’s Forum is here to:
- Support women’s involvement in the local party: from discussing and campaigning on the issues that concern them, to encouraging them to run for elected office;
- To build links with women in the community, through contact with community organisations and individual women, consultation, campaigning and working together;
- Encourage women to join the Party and to help all women feel at home in it
- Ensure that women’s voices are heard in the Party, and represent women’s interests and concerns on the Executive Committee.
How we do it:
- Meeting informally in small groups to discuss issues important to us
- Organise events to raise the profile of concerns such as sexism and misogyny, and how policies affect women so we can address any problems
- Run workshops to enable women to participate in the local party with confidence
- Support women candidates running for office
We believe that political activities like these can be mutually supportive and enjoyable, and we also hold events where we can share our skills and enthusiasm.
Why women, why now?
As Everyday Sexism, #MeToo, and The Gender Pay Gap all remind us, there is a long way to go before we achieve equality between men and women, especially Black and Asian women, and women with disabilities. Women remain a minority in representative government, although, the Labour Party outperforms Tories and LibDems with 45% of its MPs, and 42% of councillors in England as women.
In Barnet Council only 43% of the 63 councillors are Women. Fighting inequality requires the right representation!
Get involved!
We are always keen to hear from women and hear what you’d like us to do more of. And we’re also keen to know what skills you have and what contribution you’d like to make. Get in touch and get involved!
[email protected]
Our Facebook Group – Hendon Labour Women