Hendon Labour Party Labour for a Brighter Barnet
Mill Hill
Mill Hill Branch Labour Party
If you’re a member of the Labour Party and you live in the Mill Hill Ward of the London Borough of Barnet then this is your local branch.
Although much of the organising of campaigns and decision-making takes place at the CLP (Constituency Labour Party) level we hope to do an increasing amount at the hyper-local branch level so we can make sure the Labour Party, and the wider labour movement, is at the heart of our community.
Our branch is led by branch officers, currently these are:
- Chair
- Secretary
- Vice-Chair
They work closely with our Councillors to run campaigns and support local people however we can.
The branch itself meets monthly and we try to focus these meetings on interesting and useful activities rather than procedural work.
If you want to get in touch then please email the Hendon CLP Secretary on: