Hendon Labour Party Labour for a Brighter Barnet
Colindale Branch Labour Party (BLP) is the local branch for Colindale ward.
While local members are also very much involved in Hendon CLP and the wider Labour Party, our BLP provides a forum for raising local issues affecting our rapidly changing neighbourhood and for organising of local campaign events. Getting involved is an excellent way to get to know your community better and to contribute to advancing Labour’s values.
Our branch officers are currently:
- Chair
- Secretary
Colindale is represented by three Labour councillors
Nagus Narenthira
Gill Sargeant
Zakia Zubairi
Councillors attend BLP meetings to report on borough-level business and to engage with issues raised by local members.
Check out our latest newsletters here.
If you would like to get in contact, please contact the Secretary: